CarCare Credit Card – Consumer Campaign
It’s a tough subject to talk about, but the need is continuously growing. The kids in our community are struggling with depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse and more. We need to take action and provide resources for our kids… before it’s too late. ThinkTV created Mind Frame: an online series that speaks about youth mental health - targeted for middle schoolers. Partnerships are the heart and soul of Boom Crate and ThinkTV came to us to help creating the branding for the series and all the animated storytelling to supplement the live action. With such tough subject matter - this style needed to be lighthearted and engaging to provide some breathing room from the heavy content portrayed.
What We Did
Animation, Illustration, Branding, Concepting
Deciding on a direction that focused on unique individuals all living in this world, we explored multiple drawing styles, different styles of animation, textures and hatch patterns to find a way that would feel whimsical, but also connected to the everyday world these middle schoolers encountered every day.
With a series completion date looming on the horizon, and upwards of 15 minutes of animated content to be developed, we illustrated and created numerous characters, scenes, backgrounds and supporting illustrations. Playing around with a unique, bright color palette and a youthful style helped us develop a unique direction – focused around a few diverse characters and their experiences.